The soul is the core and drive of our existence. It is energetic consciousness with unlimited potential for creation. It neither exists in time and space nor is it bound to a body or a form. My understanding of the soul is based on ancient philosophy as well as on the findings of quantum physics.
The soul, the primordial ground of our individual being, is boundless and imperishable. Every blink of our life is stored in it, every perception, every feeling, every action, every thought. And yet, the soul is nothing fixed or closed, but is constantly changing with us, because every thought changes us in turn. It is the signature of our indelible individuality.
The body is an expression of the soul, but not the soul itself. Our body is directed towards the world around us. Physically, we experience this world through the external senses. The soul can send us information that originates from an inner world. This can be the case in dreams, for example, because the physical senses are then switched off. "Soul knowledge" can also be grasped in altered states of consciousness, however. Images and feelings can appear in our mind that do not fit our world view or our thoughts.