From the everyday perspective on the world, a person's death is perceived as the complete extinction of his or her existence. It is neither visible, nor responsive, nor does it participate in life as life is understood. For most people, life takes place exclusively in the visible world of matter. What is not visible or no longer visible does not exist.


"If a person dies," then from this matter-centered perspective, all bridges to that person are broken. This is the case because most people trust only their external senses, but not feelings or intuitions. Only what can be perceived with the external, physical senses is recognized as reality. But our external senses provide us only with a fragment of a deeper reality. Already in religious and ancient philosophical traditions the soul was regarded as an immortal and indivisible energy unit.


Quantum physicists have found out in their research that huge amounts of energy can be found in empty space. With it is meant however not only, the free surface, which we perceive between the furniture in our living room, but also solid matter and thus our body itself. What appears solid and permanent to us is in constant motion and change. Billions of cells are constantly dying, billions of cells are being newly formed. Our body is a kind of projection of our consciousness, which constantly "flashes" anew. With our sense organs we cannot perceive this "flashing". Just as we can perceive very fast flashing light only as a steady stream of light. Therefore our body appears in this world as something constant. Thereby our consciousness has created innumerable bodies in the course of our life. Just as many have died in material terms. In the middle of our life.


The permanently living, the essence of our personality, is not our body, but our soul. In this world, our soul is centered on gross matter. When the body "dies" the soul, in a process unconscious to us, turns its focus away from this world and we change to another world, another vibrational level. This happens with one of the many energy bodies that we permanently possess in contrast to the material body.  We no longer perceive this "new" world with our outer senses, but with our inner senses, the sense organs of the soul.