Most of the functions of our body are medically well researched. But with the findings of quantum physics, a new, very important aspect is coming into focus. We ourselves can influence our well-being with our thoughts and feelings. How is this possible?
Our body, like everything else, consists of atoms. Only a tiny part of an atom contains matter. More than 99.9 percent is "empty" space. In this "empty" space, an electromagnetic energy field operates. Our body cells emit light quanta that build up an energy field around us. This was discovered by the biophysicist Prof. Dr. Fritz Albert Popp (born 1938).
Atoms exchange information with each other via this energy field. Since many millions of cells die every second of our lives, there must be a quick impulse that stimulates the new cells to grow. According to the biophysicist, this impulse can only come from light quanta that can react at the speed of light. Anything else would be too slow.
The intensity of this energy field is controlled by our feelings. If you are angry, depressed or have aggression against someone, the frequency that your cells emit is lowered. This is not a problem as long as these feelings do not become a permanent condition. If you experience these low-frequency feelings for a very long time, the likelihood of illness increases.
On the other hand, if you are happy and content, grateful and hopeful, this energy field vibrates at a higher frequency. In this way, even serious illnesses can be cured. Filled with high frequency positive emotional information, the body can completely heal itself. The effects of emotions on the body are researched by Dr. Joe Dispenza.